Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy New Year! Have a resolution yet?

The year 2010 is approaching and yes, I am excited and frightened at the same time.  This means by July next year I will be adding another year to my age, and so the question that always linger in my head is: "Have I really achieved anything at all during my 26 years of age. 

I have always had new year's resolution.  Every year!  It's my own personal checklist and I use it as a 'performance indicator' for myself.  I will look back at each every year and cross out the one I've so far achieved.  I won't be too hard on myself, I always give myself time.  So what if it takes me years to complete?

Let's go through my list, again.  Mind you these are probably not the biggest challenge ever, but I do my best to make sure I walk through this life of mine with a goal.

First, my 2010:

1- Find better opportunity and start earning through my own online business/ company.
2- Be a mother, a successful mother.
3- Be a stay home mother with maximum income.
4- Get the financial freedom.  Freedom from all the financial burden. 
5- Reduce my caffeine intake and be healthy.

My Previous Years, With Status.  Let's just go back 2 years. 
1- Find better job opportunity- Yes
2- Be married to the man I love- Yes
3- Plan and execute my own online business- Yes.  Well sort of.  I started my online book store and working on another project. 
4- Cut down on shopping - Yes.  Believe it or not I haven't properly shopped for the past 5 months.  Married life is something, eh?

1. Be a better person, better daughter, better hamba pada yang Esa, better everything - Yes, I am better.
2. Career advancement - Achieved in 2009 by hopping job.  In 2008 my job scope with previous company had expanded because I performed!
3. Further study - Yes.  I got my Master of Science (Msc) in Networking in 2008.
4. Be thousands ringgit richer - Still no.  Refer 2010 list, No.4.  Still working on it!
5. Cut down shopping - Yes.
6. Lose 10 kilos - Yes, I was 73kg, now 60kg.
7. Save money for wedding targetted in 2009- Got happily married in 2009.  Wasn't a big ceremony, but I was the happiest bride. 

Now if you notice, I have basically met my target so far, except for the money part.  You spend more as you earn.  Your 'wants' grow with your income.  Money is something I am not good at so I am going to work on it.  Work hard! 

Seeing the positive outcome, I started thinking, can we really be succesful without determining a goal?  Without knowing where we are going with life?  Life is often unfair, is what we always thought.  But God is fair!  He knows what's best and we will be granted what we wish for if we just work hard enough.  There's no such thing as luck!

I'm on my way to meeting my 2010 resolution.  With vision in my hands, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope that everyone had the most succesful 2009, and work on getting the best out of 2010.  Happy new year!!!

Diana Abdul Molok @ TRS

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