Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Dear Me, Happy 29th Birthday!

Yepp, it was my 29th birthday on the 2nd of July, 2012.  Syukran Ya Allah, I have lived the most wonderful and awesome 29 years of my life.  Apa lagi nak dalam hidup ni, dikurniakan suami yang penyayang, anak yang comel dan baik, keluarga yang sangat menyayangi diri, dan juga kawan- kawan yang tak henti menemani siang dan malam.  Life couldn't be more perfect than that.  So the year ahead before I reah my 30 years, I have pledged to be more thankful, more grateful instead of asking, and keep on asking.  Belajar bersyukur is the word.  

Allah S.W.T has provided me more than I asked for in life, and instead all I ever do in life is complaint.  Maybe it is time to kneel down dan berterima kasih secukupnya for He had given me kesempurnaan hidup di atas dunia, Alhamdulillah.  Sungguh aku syukur, ya Allah.

May the years ahead of me be as merry, as beautiful, as awesome and wonderful as now.  I've lost words.  Layan je la gambar Mr. Hubby bawak pergi dinner pada malam birthday.  After all, he is the one who completes me :-) 

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