Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hai sawang- sawang

Seriously, how long has it been since my last post?  Ni dah bukan tahap bersawang berabuk berdebu bagai dah ni.  Agaknye segala makhluk pon dah masuk dalam ni hahahaa.  Yehh cause I've been that busy.

The kids have grown healthily, Alhamdulillah.  There were times when they got sick, tapi dah takde la warded alternate month macam dulu- dulu.  Tulah dia, rezeki Allah Taala nak bagi.

Belanja gambo budak- budak mandi pool sikit :)  My eldest and my twins in inflatable pool yang sangat hebat.  Pool hebat ni bukak je depan rumah and tadaaaaa. Sila lah mandi hingga semput.  Mak ayah pon muat dalam ni.

The twins will turn 2 in March.  Told my eldest, Kakak that it'll be adik- adik soon.  Dia cakap, "asyik birthday adik je, birthday kakak asyik-2 lambat".  Padahal birthday dia celebrated just last September, and sampai 2 biji kek hokey.  Over dak.

Other than work, caring for the kids, I am also busy looking after my mom.  Almost 2 months back, I still remember, on the 10th January, Mak collapsed in my brother's bathroom from stroke.  What she had was called aneurysm bleeding.  Aneursym is basically the condition where your brain blood vessel swells due to several causes such as high blood pressure, birth defect, and many more.  Her swollen vessels had ruptured and caused her seizure and then stroke.  She had been saved, Alhamdulillah, through several emergency procedures.  Sekarang ni sedang bedridden dan melalui recovery process.  Dah discharge from the hospital, and lepak rumah my sister dekat Kajang sekarang.  Maybe one day I'll write about it in detail.

Where she was cared for in GHKL. 
Masa yang sukar untuk kitorang sekeluarga.  Banyak emosi, air mata, ujian demi ujian.  But these things only made us stronger.  Terima kasih ya Allah, kerana membuatkan kami sentiasa ingat pada Mu, pada kebesaran Mu.  Dan kitorang banyak belajar, caring for bedridden post- stroke patient, sekarang dah andai buat suction kahak ikut tracheostomy, pandai feeding mak ikut res tube, physio care, positioning.  Macam- macam perkara baik berlaku di sebalik ujian ni.

Oh, and I will be switching job in a month :) , inshaAllah for the better.  Harapan nye semua bertambah baik dari segala segi.  I know, not the best time to switch job since recession has been predicted.  Tapi, percaya pada kuasa Allah, dan apa saja yang bakal berlaku adalah ujian dari Nya.

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