Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My shopping list... updated.

Hey as promised, I have updated my shopping list and is ready to reveal this to the public.  Most of the stuff I have already gotten, now I am left with the tiny weeny stuff and I am ready to welcome Ayesha Amani to the world. 

P/S: I don't have that much free time to categorise between clothes and other stuff ;-)

1. Baby cot/playpen
2. Car seat & carrier (2 in 1)
3. Stroller
4. Travel mattress set(Mattress,pillow, bolster)
5. Receiving blanket
6. Blanket
7. Swadding blanket
8. Baby binder
9. Hat/ bonnet, mittens & booties
10. Sleep jumper
11. Play jumper
12. Dress
13. Bath towel
14. Bath tub
15. Changing mat
16. Nappies
17. Cloth diapers
18. Diapers bag
19. Cotton
20. Cotton buds
21. Toilettries
22. Nappy rash cream
23. Hot oil
23. Electric breast pump
24. Bottles
25. Playtex liner for breastmilk storage
26. Bottle warmer

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