Monday, November 22, 2010

It's just another lame working Monday...and here I am blogging!

Sigh... Can't believe that I am back at work after 2 months! Being away for 2 months, you just lose the momentum, the excitement, and everything about work just become 'I wish I am home with my baby!'.  Seriously.  I can't focus.  Then I thought, oh well, I haven't updated my blog for a while so let's just do that haha. 

The much torturing confinement period is over, yeay! The two of us, myself and baby girl are now back in KL for 2 weeks already to torture daddy's life, hahaha.  It was my first time taking care of Amani since that day in hospital.  Back then she was very little and didn't do much other than sleep and get hungry.  Little princess is a totally different little person now.  Though little, she has bigger appetite, she needs entertainment and refuses to be left alone quietly if she isn't sleeping, and just cries endlessly when something is not right.  Yeah so that's my baby girl.  

Now she is 2 months old.  Mom and Dad are so happy with her progress.  Watching her grows in front of us, it's priceless.  You see how she coos at you, how we have that little conversation between us where I am the main talker and she replies with uh and aaahs.  You watch how she pays attention to colours, and sounds from those musical hanging toy we bought her, how she tried to grab stuff animals and get stimulated by them.  It is such an amazing experience.  

Though I must say that it isn't all bed of roses.  She cries a lot and most of the time, we don't know what she wants.  She cries the most during the evening if she is still in the car.  And when this happens, I almost always didn't know how to calm her.  I suppose she will stop when she's tired!  

Ayesha Amani is now left at a day care in Sri Damansara called Taska Sri Comel.  I started sending her there last week for her to get used to the place and the people.  The first day she was there, she refused to be bottle-fed by the caregiver.  When we took her home that day, she became very clingy.  That girl just won't let go of me!  Owh my poor baby.  My heart just sunk every time I think of her being away to be taken care by other people.  But mommy gotta work honey.  Luckily she was OK after several days.

Now that work is back in my schedule, I suppose I gotta know how to manage my time properly.  Everything is just different when there are three of you, and you as the mother and wife has to take care of two other people in your life.  Wear that different hat.  Make sure your baby sleeps, make sure there's food on the table, that the clothes are washed and hung, and most importantly that our world doesn't turn upside down!  I am also very fortunate that hubby helps with everything else. 

Yeah gota stop writing because my mind is everywhere and I won't be able to put down whatever else is there on this blog.  May I have the time to write every now and then ^_^.

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