1. My precious menunjukkan ketagihan serius terhadap menyusu. Hehehe. Ketagihan terlampau di mana dia tak tido lena di waktu malam sebab nak bergayut....
2. Badan selalu sakit- sakit sekarang. So mentally I am not strong to handle kebergayutan anak ini.
3. Disebabkan kelemahan mental Mommy, my breastmilk supply is affected. Thus you can see that the girl is actually tak puas, hence menunjukkan symptom No.1.
4. I want to see, if by weaning her off the breast, will she be able to sleep through the night?
5. Will her anxiety to separate lessen?
These questions I will answer in other posts, once I have completed my observation. Entry kali ni lebih pada nak menceritakan pengalaman masa cuba menghentikan susu badan tu... This much I can say, weaning her off the breast was a tearful process. I took one whole week of her endless crying. I letak kopi di bahagian tersebut, dan dia geli sebab pahit. Dia cakap, 'Eeeee ulat'... Yang teruknya, siang dia OK... Malam, dia menangis berjam- jam. Nak nenen, tanak nenen geli ulat, nak Mommy, tanak Mommy... nak dukung, tanak dukung... Haih. Memang perkara yang merumitkan, memeningkan...
When did she stop crying? Bila dah penat nangis berjam- jam, dia akan tidurkan diri dia sendiri. Kasihan, oh kasihan anakku. Seminggu beliau demikian, tak tentu arah. Kalau hati tak kuat, mesti Mommy tumpas. I actually broke down and cried myself at some point. Kesian kan anak, and at some point I offered the breast to her, still, tapi she refused. You can also see that nak mengubat ketagihan diri sendiri, dia saje nak letak hidung dia kat situ. Huwaaaa. Too much sadness in one day la weiiii bila nak berhentikan susu badan ni. What made it worse was that Ayesha never wanted bottles when I am around. Neither did she want formula (sebab susu badan punye stock pon dah habis).
Akhirnya, these past few days dia dah OK. Hihihi. Walaupon bila nampak I je 'eeee ulat', nampak gambar I pon 'eee ulat', tapi rasanye she is a much happier baby now! Dah takde ketagihan berlampau. Apapun, I think she has gotten the nutrient for her brain development (according to her paed), and now I just need to make sure that she eats properly and drink plenty of water. So, Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for the opportunity to breastfeed my child for 1year and 10 months. InshaAllah, I will do better for my next :-)
P/S: Right now Mommy need to deal with her 'engorgement' issue la pulak. Hehehe. But its OK, doctor has given med for that. Harapnye pemberhentian terlampau ini tidak cause me any harm!
good job mommy???eiii ulat :P
Well done beb.. takpe mmg hati kena keras.. masa Faheem dulu lagi teruk coz i need to make sure he's totally weaned off sbb i nak operation kan. lagi haru kalau time i kat hospital dia guling2 nak nenen. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan. Bab tak nak bottle tu mula2 mmg macam tu. Keep on offering her.. nnt lama2 ok. mmg agak membazir mula2 sebab dia keep on rejecting kan. Takpe Abang Faheem dulu pon mcm tu.
Gimah: kakaka u saw rite, how she went 'eee ulat'... tapi rindu lah nak breastfeed dia :-(
Timmy: Alhamdulillah kan, one week wasn't that long actually. Tapi rindu lah cuddling nye time. Hihi.
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