2 Months (8 weeks)
- Moves hands and legs actively
- Keeps hands open most of the time
- Lifts head and chest when lying on
- Controls head a little, but may still
need support
- Holds objects in hands
- Responds to sounds (for example, turns
when hears voices and rattles)
- Makes cooing noises like “aaaah” and “ooooh”
- Cries when needs something
- Fixes eyes on a person or object (a mobile,
for example) and follows its movement
- Has different cries for different
- Makes eye contact and smiles
- Recognizes and enjoys interactions
with mother or primary caregiver
At 4 Months (16 Weeks)
- Brings hands together, or to mouth
- Lifts head and pushes on arms when on
- Reaches for objects
- Turns or makes crawling movement when
on tummy
- Turns head to follow familiar voices
- Laughs and squeals
- Combines sounds more often (for
example, “aaah-oooh”, “gaaa-gooo”)
- Grasps more and reaches for objects
- Brings objects to mouth
- Increases activity when sees a toy
- Is increasingly interactive and comfortable
with parents and caregivers
- Shows interest in mirrors, smiles and
is playful
- Is able to comfort himself
At 6 Months
- Puts weight on feet when held standing
- Sits by himself
- Bangs and shakes objects
- Transfers objects from one hand to
- Holds 2 objects at a time, one in each
- Rolls over from tummy to back
- Responds to her name, turns and looks
- Babbles, making sounds like “da”, “ga”, “ba”, “ka”
- Pays attention to what toys can do (make
music and light up, for example)
- Looks towards object that drops out of
- Is becoming more aware of surroundings
- Notices if parents are present (or
- Reacts differently to strangers
- Expresses excitement, happiness and
At 9 Months
- Picks up small objects with thumb and finger
- Moves more easily (crawls, moves along
furniture, walks when hand is held)
- Pulls to a stand
- Recognizes familiar words (her name and
phrases such as “time for bath” and “go bye-bye”)
- Babbles with combination of vowel and
consonant sounds (for example, “dada”, “baba”, “mama”)
- Imitates sounds and movements
- Explores objects carefully (turns them
upside down, puts hands inside openings)
- Is more involved in feedings (tries to hold
bottle or pick up finger foods)
- Resists toy being taken away
- Plays peek-a-boo and claps hands with
- May show anxiety around strangers
At 12 Months (One Year)
- Stands alone
- Takes first steps
- Turns pages of a book few at a time
- Puts small objects in container
- Combines movements with sounds (reaches for
an object and uses voice at same time)
- Pauses or stops when told not to do
- Associates “mama” or “dada” with parents
- Uses one word again and again
- Hands you an object when asked
- Is better able to feed herself (tries
to drink from cup)
- Helps with dressing
- Prefers to be with parents and
- Plays with other children
At 15 Months (1 1/4 Years)
- Walks without help
- Climbs on chairs and other furniture
- Uses 2 words besides “mama” and “dada”
- Asks for food or drink with sounds or
- Shows what he wants by pulling,
pointing or grunting
- Feeds self with spoon, often insisting on
feeding self
- Gives kisses
- Greets people with “hi”
- Listens to a story
At 18 Months (1 1/2 Years)
- Scribbles
- Walks without help and can sometimes
- Kicks ball forward
- Pulls a toy along the ground
- Follows simple directions, such as “give it
to daddy”
- Says an increasing number of simple
words (at least 5-10)
- Points to nose, mouth, eyes, ears,
hands and feet
- Enjoys eating by himself, but is messy
- Shows how objects work in “pretend”
play (feeds a doll, pours tea into cup, brushes hair)
- Sometimes says no when interfered with
- Can separate from parent more easily,
but happy when sees parent again
At 24 – 30 Months (2 – 2 1/2 Years)
- Scribbles in circular motion and can draw
vertical lines
- Runs well, seldom falls
- Walks up and down stairs alone
- Stands on one foot without support
- Turns single pages in a book
- Talks in 2-3 word sentences
- Follows 2-part instructions
- Uses at least 20 words (including
pronouns he, she, I)
- Reads books by turning pages and
looking at pictures
- Opens door by turning knob
- Washes and dries hands
- Feeds himself with little mess
- Helps with simple household tasks
- Usually responds to a correction by
At 2 1/2 – 3 Years
- Pedals tricycle
- Cuts with small scissors
- Draws or copies a complete circle
- Jumps in place, balances on one foot
- Talks clearly (is understandable most of the
- Understands prepositions like “in”,
“on”, “under”, “beside”
- Combines sentences using and, or, but
- Activities of Daily Living
- Is toilet trained and washes face and
- Gets dressed with help
- Gives direction to other children
- Plays a role in pretend games (mom,
dad, teacher)
At 3 1/2 Years
- Hops briefly on one foot
- Cuts paper with scissors
- Identifies 4 colors
- Knows concept of size, shape, number
- Counts 5 or more objects when asked
“how many?”
- Washes face without help
- Dresses and undresses without help,
except for shoelaces
- Plays cooperatively with little
conflict and supervision
- Pretend play is well developed
At 4 Years
- Hops on one foot repeatedly for a few
- Skips or makes running broad jumps
- Draws recognizable pictures
- Draws a person with at least 3 parts
(head, eyes, nose)
- Follows a series of 3 simple instructions
- Reads a few letters
- Speaks in full sentences and is easily
- Makes conversation and tells stories
of daily life
- Buttons one or more buttons
- Usually looks both ways before
crossing street
- Is protective toward younger children
- Follows simple rules in board or card
At 5 Years
- Swings on swing by herself
- Prints first name
- Tells meaning of familiar words
- Recognizes most letters of the
- Goes to the toilet without any help
- Shows leadership among other children
- Plays dress-up and make-believe
At School Age
Ongoing Issues Your Child May Face
premature babies get older, some of them may face ongoing
physical problems (for example, asthma or cerebral palsy). They may also face
developmental challenges (for example, difficulties paying attention or lack
of motor control). This may be especially true for babies who were very small
at birth.
your child reaches school age, it will be important for you to work closely
with his teacher and other school staff to identify any areas of concern.
They can also help you find the right resources for help. If the school does
not have the resources necessary for your child, his teachers can help you
find local groups or programs to help him do well in school. You are not
alone – your child’s teachers and healthcare providers are dedicated to
helping you meet all of his health and educational needs.
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