Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why I love my daily jog at Lake Valley, BTHO.

Ewahh, surprise surprise so it has been more than 2 weeks of jogging (or briskwalk) at Lake Valley, Bandar Tun Hussein Onn.  I tried my best la to at least buat satu pusingan berlari, atau gagal (meaning semput sikit pada hari tersebut), I akan briskwalk.  The aim is not so much to lose weight, but to keep fit, increase my stamina, manage my rage and stress.  I realised that recently I experience extreme fatigue which lead to stress, which makes me a less enjoyable person to be around.  I think I can see results already.  I become more relaxed, more energetic and yesssss, less stress.  Tak percaya? Hehehe.  Sweating also makes me feel good these days. 

My daily exercise also involves Ayesha and Hubby.  This makes it EXTREMELY fun, being around the two of them whom I love dearly with all my heart.  For Ayesha, this is more to make sure she sleeps better at night.  Ayesha can run too ok, but she doesn't have proper shoes because Mommy is yet to go shopping for her running shoes.  So instead she wears these cute red Garfield shoes I bought her.  I let her run slowly to catch up after me.  Tapi kesian Ayesha, baru- baru ni she broke her toe nail, sebab Mommy lupa potong.  Must have hurt her, kan?  But its OK, Ayesha has to know what pain feels like every once in a while. 

They also have playground here.  Sesuai for all ages.  Ada slides, swings, macam- macam ada.  Not crowded.  So normally after we run, we will let Ayesha enjoy the playground.  Or, we take turns to entertain her at the playground.  Meaning, Daddy jaga dulu while Mommy run, and Mommy takes over for Daddy to run.  You can see Ayesha loving this attention!  Cheeky girl. 

But you know what we all enjoy the most, after running?  Feeding the fishes.  Ada banyak ikan dalam tasik tu.  Ada ikan keli besar, kap, talapia dan macam- macam jenis ikan which I don't know the names.  My daughter loves fishes.  She calls them 'fish', if you tell her ikan, she wouldn't know yet.  And every other living animals that walks (or flies) are 'cats' too her.  Ah well, she doesn't call them cat of course, just 'aooww' the way cat sounds.  She calls the birds 'aowww' too.  So everyday we would bring breads or palettes for the fishes and of course birds.  Tapi tasik ni tak selamat sangatTak ada pagar.  Just tebing macam tu je.  Anak- anak lasak seperti Ayesha perlu di kawal rapi. 

Ermmm you also see all kind of people here at the tasik.  The friendly type, the mind your own business type, the look at you like you've done something wrong type, the hey you've got a cute daughter type, the awwww she's so cute type.  All kind.  Ayesha would say 'bye' to everybody everytime she passes by people.  Too friendly, I have actually asked her not too because I am worried what friendliness will cause her one day.  Observing people while you run is a fun thing to do, is it not?

Oooohhh jangan lupa the handsome, I've got muscular arms, sweaty but yummy guys.  Ooops a bit inappropriate, eh Mommy?  Let's enjoy the scene quietly or else my hubby will forbid me from going there hahaha. 

So, yes, I have enjoyable daily half hour or more spend at the Lake Valley.  Well maybe not daily if it is raining but almost daily.  Loving every minute of it.  Let's see how often we can keep this up!!! 

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