Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Swing Maxi or Freestyle

I had received several emails to advise on whether to buy Medela Freestyle or Medela Swing Maxi.  Honestly, if you ask me I would tell you to get Freestyle.  Simple because I had never used Swing Maxi.  Bahahaha.  Did you see that coming?  OK lame joke.

Swing Maxi - Photo courtesy of Medela from here
Freestyle - Photo courtesy of Medela from here
So, which one should you get?  Really?  I suppose it really depends on your preference.  If you want to read technical details, you can read from Medela's website, from the link I put as caption for the above photos.  But, if you need me to summarize how both are different, with my own knowledge of the product, you can read on, ya?  Mind you, I have never tried Swing Maxi, so performance-wise, I won't be able to advise you.  Though I must tell you that I used the single pump Swing before and Alhamdulillah, other than the fact that it was a single pump and it delayed my pumping session, I had no problem with the pump at all.  

Here's some info, for our knowledge sharing.  For professional advice, I suggest you contact Medela or its registered vendor.  

# Price: In Malaysian Ringgit, Swing Maxi is a couple of hundreds cheaper.  I won't put up prices here since price varies according to seller. 
# Parts: The only similarities to the parts will be the breastshield, and the type of motor they use.
# Battery: Freestyle uses rechargable battery.  Swing Maxi uses AA battery, though you can purchase rechargeable AA, its quite a turn-off for me.
Hands-free: Freestyle comes with hands-free kit.  It's already in the packaging.  Convenient, clip-on to your bra hands-free kit.  Swing Maxi requires you to  use this Easy Expression Bustier.  The bustier comes in different sizes.  I am not sure how that does it for me, but Freestyle definitely sounds more convenient.  I believe you can use the bustier for other electric pump as well, and I think they sell this separately (I could be wrong, can anybody update?) Edit: I found out that the hands-free kit can also be used on Swing Maxi, but this is sold separately. 
# Size and weight:  Both are pretty small and lightweight.
# Noise: I can't compare the noise from experience.  I read that Swing Maxi is quieter.
# Digital Display Monitor:  This is an advantage for Freestyle over Swing Maxi.  It has a digital display where you can set timer, see your expression level, and battery level. 
# Suction: Both offers 2-phase expression.

There you go.  If you ask me, again, I will tell you to get Freestyle, again.  It never disappoints me.  Ok ok, tell you what.  Get something that suits your budget and needs.  How is that.  Was that helpful enough?

Don't forget to drop a comment in the comment box if you would like to add/ omit my info.  

Till then.  

Disclaimer:  This is not a paid review/ advertisement.  Writer shared her knowledge about breastpump based on her experience and knowledge gained through reading.  

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