Thursday, January 14, 2016

Zehra's 18 Months Jab

If you are a mother of 18 months old baby or so you probably would’ve heard of the shortage of the vaccines at private clinics and hospitals. The government clinics were no exception, except they have had replenishment in batches and because there are too many demands they too have shortage which causes you to be in waiting line.

Zehra, my first twins has had difficulties in getting hers. From the very beginning of her schedules she had delayed her vaccination because poor girl had been consistently falling sick. So our paediatrician advised that we only did hers when she’s well. She had sensitive lungs as a baby and was easily infected. Then when she was well and we were ready, we were put under waiting list for so long and was given the same update over and over again, that the clinic is out of stock and I would have to wait.

I was told to go to the government schedule, and I was 100% to blame for delaying this further due to my busy work schedule. With new job and what not it was difficult to sort things out. Until recently, I took some days off of work and decided to go to a nearby government clinic. Obviously, my sterotypical thoughts of how the nurses would have reacted had told me to be prepared for the worst and nasty remarks by them. But of course, it didn’t happened that way. We managed to get Zehra a slot in March. You read that right, March ðŸ˜‚😂😂.  Anyway, the process was super smooth. I didn’t have to wait that long for the slot.
# I brought Zehra’s Rekod Kesihatan Bayi dan Kanak-Kanak to the Klinik Kesihatan.
# I told the nurse at registration counter that my child will be 3 soon and she had missed her 18 months jab because she had been sick. Followed by how we had waited so long at private clinic only now to be told to come here. The lady nicely told me I can proceed to room12, just drop her book at the counter there. She also told me that the 18 months have now become 24 months vaccine.
# In room 12, I told the nurse the same stories, with added concern if it’s too late for the vaccine now.
# She said its Ok, this booster jab can be taken anytime between 18 months to 4 years old.
# She then told me they only do jabs on Monday and Wednesday, and that the only available slot is in March.
# I went hooray hooray and said I’ll take it. It’s now or never.
# Wallaa we have an appointment this coming March. Now it’s up to Zehra. She’s gotta be up for this.  

I think different government clinics have different procedure, maybe. Some may put you on waiting list, some will give you appointment right away. But hey, if you ever need to go there, feel free to ask their procedure. Ask nicely, as there are lodsa people waiting there. It’s one of the busiest place on planet. Be nice and maybe they’ll consider being nice to you😊.

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