Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Dah selesai potty training

Clap clap...

Dengan ini saya mengistiharkan, both twins are now diapers-free.  Selamat dah poket mak ni... hehehe.

Zehra 'Tinting' nama dia... sebab rambut curly sangat,

Adrina tantek sebab dia perasan dia cantik *bluwekk*
Still ada terlajak terlajak, of course for Adrina she's had her 'accident' every now and then... especially when she's sick.  But it's ok, I am gona give her time.  Budak- budak comel ni baru je 3 years old ponnn... I will let them grow at their own pace.  Slowly but surely.  Walaupon ada rasa nak mengamuk je asyik kena jemur tilam, cuci cadar...

Alhamdulillahhhh... syukurrrrr.  Now in the midst of cup training pula.  Getting ready for school next year in sha Allah kalau ada rezeki.

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